Sunday 24 May 2015

Westminster Mile

We left home at 10:00 for the journey to Ebsfleet, St Pancras and the Green Park.  We entered The Westminster Mile - Sweatshop wave which was due to start at 12:00.

We lined up with a lot of people in yellow SRC t shirts: Cam ran off for a 6:18 minute time (12 out of 382 in his age group), Dad, Mum and Clara completed the course in just over 9:00 minutes.  The course started in the Mall, lined with union flags, turned right into Hourse Guards Parade, right again into Bird Cage Walk, finishing in front of Buckingham Palace.  Doesn't get much better than that.

After a free lunch, courtesy of Sweatshop, we saw the end of the Olympians race, the Wheelchair race, which David Weir won, achieving a new world record but just missing the sub-3:00 mark. We also saw the elite men's and women's races before walking back to the station for the journey home.

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