Sunday 10 May 2015

Another exciting weekend for the Sprees

Clara went for a sleep over for Maddison's birthday, they went to Adventure Kids, followed by Dominoes and a chocolate foundation.  They had VERY little sleep as there was an unofficial competion to see who could put toothpaste on whose face while they slept, Kiana lost!

In the morning they had croissants and a quiz on the trampoline where the losers got a face full of squirty cream!

Cam had his first practice expedition for his Duke of Edinburgh award at Hope Hill Scout campsite in Meopham. He arrived at 10:00 Saturday morning with a ruck sack full of everything he needed and his share of the food for the weekend (breakfast bars and dried fruit for snacks).  His group included Sam, Lewis, Tom and Ben.

He was due to be collected at 4:00 but they finished their 13k walk early and was picked up at 3:00 - having had 6 hours worth of not very refreshing sleep. Learning points - take a pillow ๐Ÿ˜€

On a child free weekend Mum and Dad went to Sherlocks for dinner. A nice meal, exceptionally lovely wine, in an odd restaurant which felt like we were eating in someone's front room.
Owners Joan and David came out of the kitchen after cooking for a chat at the end of the evening.

Sunday morning was the Larkfield 10k from East Malling Research centre on a 2 lap circuit with Karen. Completed in 1:02  a pb for Mum ๐Ÿ‘

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