Thursday 14 May 2015

Here toeday, gone tomorrow!

Cam had finally had his ingrowing toe nail operated on- a partial nail avulsion. After several months of trying to remove a little bit and hoping it would grow back properly, the chiropodist said that he would need an operation to sort it for good.

Cam left school early on Thursday to be at the chiropodists in Maidstone for a 1:00pm appointment.  The anaesthetic was the tricky bit as two injections are needed due to the way the nerves cross over in the toe. Also, there isn't a lot of room in the toe for the anaesthetic so it's quite uncomfortable. Once the toe was numb however the chiropodist went for it with cutting out the offending part of the toe nail before adding phenol * to kill the nail and stop it growing back.

After the toe was wrapped in several layers of bandages Cam went home to rest it.

Phenol - also used a component of industrial paint stripper and used to create Bakelite.

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