Thursday 24 December 2015

Merry Christmas Eve

We went to see Grandad to exchange gifts this morning. Gareth and Naomi turned up with Rose, who'd been to work with Pat, then Lol and Emma followed by Pat. Nice cup of coffee with some biscuits served by Rose. 

After lunch and a walk with Alfie we met the 'families' in the village at 3:30 ready to get the best seats at church for the family service (is this our 9th year!?). Rev Chris's last service before he's off to Hull - what will next year's service be like?  Over to the pub for a quick drink before Anna and Paul left the party. We saw our old neighbours, Gary and Claire, there - nice suprise and hopefully we can catch up with them in the new year. 

The evening was topped off by a meal at the North Pole - service not up to its usual standard as they were really busy but nice to catch up with everyone. Home to see an episode of Sherlock before bed. 

Happy Christmas Eve one and all. 

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