Monday 28 December 2015

Away with the Martins

Karen's family and friends rates got us a good deal at the Hanbury Manor hotel. Lovely old Manor House turned into a 5* hotel.

We took Alfie for his 'holiday' to East Dean Dog Kennels at Headcorn. Clara returned very distraught that she had left Alfie in a 'cell'!!

We met the Martins at 10:30 to travel to Hertfordshire and arrived in time for lunch at the hotel. 

After lunch we were going to go for a walk and thought that Lea Valley country park might be a nice place to go to. We drove 12 miles and couldn't find it. We found a place called Myddelton House in Enfield with gardens designed by EA Bowles instead.

There wasn't much there to see but there were some bushes in the car park that Cam and Dan was jumping over. Cam wondered if they would hold his weight - "yes" we said. "try it". So he did...

We returned to the hotel for a swim, Jacuzzi and sauna before a lovely dinner in the Sow and Pigs pub at the end of the drive to the hotel. The food was lovely, huge portions, served very quickly.

Clara and Dan swapped coats for the walk back to the hotel; Dan looked like something from a western in Clara's poncho and Clara started to walk 'like a boy'

Tuesday morning we had a huge breakfast for £5 courtesy of Karen's associates rate again, the children went for another swim while the adults went for a short walk before packing up to leave at lunch time.  We collected a very excited Alfie on the way home. Cam wanted to be the first person Alfie saw so he linked Clara with being left and Cam with being collected - Cam believed this would make him Alfie's hero! Apparently Alfie had enjoyed his 'holiday' and was quite a favourite with the staff <3 p="">

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