Sunday 15 November 2015

Happy 16th birthday

Cameron is 16 today. He woke to a very blustery day which became a very rainy day. After a rendition of Happy Birthday quickly learned on the piano from Clara. It was time for breakfast and presents. 

A busy day for Cam as there were two performances of Dick Whittington to manage the spot light for. 

During the interval the cast had a cake and cars ready for Cam (queue red face and slight embarrassment). Then it was back to Grandma's for tea and more cake. With presents from Auntie Jo, Uncle Diccon and Celeste as well as Doreen and David and Grandma and Grandpa of course. 

The final performance of the panto was finished with a further singing of Happy Birthday by the audience, lead by Dick who announced af the end that it was a "very special person's 16th birthday today!!"

More embarrassment but he couldn't escape from the top of his tower.  

Happy birthday to a wonderful sonand brother and an amazing person. 🎂 

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