Thursday 12 November 2015

Dick Whittington

Clara has several parts in the Deing Players panto this year: Fang, evil King Rats henchman, posh lady and the baker. This involves lots of running round the audience with the other rattlings, buying "toilet pepper" and "not" selling bread to Dick Whittington. 

Cam was in charge of the spot light; a responsibility he fulfilled very capably from the top of a tall tower at the back of the hall.

While enacting "that" scene from titanic, or was not something from the Messiah?!

Both did really well. More than I can say for
Most of the rest of the cast - this was a usual, local amateur pantomime. Great scenery and props, great fun, dubious acting, much forgetting of lines. Apparently Friday evening was the night to watch due to the large audience (over 100 people) who all got involved with the "he's behind you"s). Making a great atmosphere. Even the Prompt got a curtain call as she had as many lines as the cast!

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