Friday 20 June 2014

Last Aylesford Primary School Sports day

Clara had her last sports day at primary school and the last Spree family sports day at Aylesford Primary School.  Fire House had a great reputation to uphold, they haven't lost since before Cameron's time - no pressure.

The different format (afternoon for years 3,4,5 and 6) meant mum and dad could attend.

Fire were second after the carousel events; tunnel ball, speed bounce, javelin and hockey. But there was still all to play for.

Clara was in the 100m sprint and 100m relay against her arch rival Ella Weeks... She came 2nd...again. It was a good race and Ella and Clara shook hands after.

Then the final scores were announced by Mr Geedah, in a very fetching outfit it must be said.

Fire had won AGAIN.  :-)

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