Sunday 28 June 2015

Jurassic Park and a 'sleepover'

Steve booked us, the Martins, the Girlings, himself and Megan tickets to see Jurassic World in 3D at Rochester.  Good film, lots of people being eaten by donosaurs and a heroine running around in very inappropriate shoes. 

Then Saturday Clara has invited Grace, Sophie and Kaylee round for a sleepover after the Anchorian's football tournament (which they didn't win!). They slept in the tent in the garden - for a little while anyway!

They played a game where they got squirts cream in the face, ate loads of sugary snacks, ran about a lot squealing and giggling and woke up early for pancakes and croissants. Sophie, Kaylee and Clara then went swimming while Dad and Cam went to watch Snodland and Sittingbourne in the Snodland tournament. 

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