Sunday 28 June 2015

Jurassic Park and a 'sleepover'

Steve booked us, the Martins, the Girlings, himself and Megan tickets to see Jurassic World in 3D at Rochester.  Good film, lots of people being eaten by donosaurs and a heroine running around in very inappropriate shoes. 

Then Saturday Clara has invited Grace, Sophie and Kaylee round for a sleepover after the Anchorian's football tournament (which they didn't win!). They slept in the tent in the garden - for a little while anyway!

They played a game where they got squirts cream in the face, ate loads of sugary snacks, ran about a lot squealing and giggling and woke up early for pancakes and croissants. Sophie, Kaylee and Clara then went swimming while Dad and Cam went to watch Snodland and Sittingbourne in the Snodland tournament. 

Saturday 20 June 2015

Larkfield tournament

 Cam played for Larkfield under 15s for the last time today. Nice to see him play again with Dan Martin.  First match was a comprehensive win 4 - 1, they lost the second game 1-0 to a late goal, third match against a dirty Charlton side they lost 4 - 1. Then a better run of 4 - 0 and the 6 - 0.  This put them through to the next round as third best losers!  They played a very exciting match against the team they lost 1 - 0 to. The other team's manager's team talk was "this is an easy win". Larkfield came back from 2 - 0 down to equalise and force them to extra time, they unfortunately lost by a late goal in extra time.  Alan made a comment to the other manager that it wasn't such an easy match after all: he wasn't happy!😜

Back to Cobdown again tomorrow for Clara's team to play.

Clara's team drew 2 matches, lost 3 and won 1 March ( the other team didn't turn up)

Clara had some good spells and the girls played really well, holding their own against some good opposition. 

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Ascot June 17th 2015

A crackin day at ascot. 60+ people on the coach up there. Had a great day, the wind was blowin but it was warm and busy as always. Put a few quid on each race, had a couple of places but no winners sadly. Buffet back at the coach before heading of home. Got dropped off at Snodland with Julian Friel and his wife, Chris then picked me up. The day started at 8.30 from the saucer, drinking at 8.30, drunk by mid day, sobering up by 5...
Role on 2016 (this was my 5th year)

Sunday 14 June 2015

Petts Wood tournament

Clara's Larkfield team entered the Petts Wood tournament. We arrived to find that she couldn't wear studs; luckily Grace had a spare pair of astros she could borrow. They thought it was six aside but it turned out to be nine aside for their age group and there was only 8 of them. 

Their first match was against Crystal Palace!!  Palace agreed to play with only 8 girls too. They were very fast and VERY physical. After playing Petts Wood Larkfield then had to play another Palace team: Also very physical.  But despite Palace's age advantage and the fact they are an academy team Larkfield only lost 4 - 0. A great score and a great learning opportunity for the girls to get stuck in more - which they did to good effect in this last match.  Well done Larkfield 😀⚽️

It's was jolly cold though. 

Saturday 13 June 2015

Cam's next D of E weekend.

Cam is going on his second practice expedition before hope is assessed for his D of E expedition in July.  He has to be at the George pub in Trottiscliffe for 9:00 Saturday morning. He has had to plan his route to the camp site at Meopham where he will stay Saturday evening. He has another walk to complete Sunday before being collected In The afternoon from Wrotham rec.

Hopefully his new walking boots and massive bag of food will help him on his way.

Cam home, having walked about 33km in two days - absolutely exhausted. Must remember to take a hat, gloves and thermals next time. And NOT eat the emergency rations unless it is an emergency!!

Saturday 6 June 2015