Friday 27 March 2015

Cameron's off to Greece

Cam left from school on Friday, 27th March to travel by coach to Heathrow, with a VERY big bag of snacks!   The flight was BA634 which departed at 19:00 arriving at Sparta airport at 00:30!

The itinerary is:-

Saturday - visit to Delphi followed by a trip to Olympia for the night
Sunday - site visit to Olympia and then travel to Tolo
Monday - excursion to Mycenae and Epidavros with an afternoon of leisure.
Tuesday - excursions to Tiryns, Corinth and AcroCorinth then onto Athens for the night
Wednesday - a day of leisure in Athens visiting Agora, Constitution Sqaure, Acropolis and Acropolis Museum.
Thursday - visit to Trireme and HMS Averof before travelling back to Sparta airport for the flight home.  BA 633 to Heathrow leaving at 19:30 and arriving back 21:15 local time.

Looking forward to picking Cam up from school and hearing all about the trip. Apparently he's taken lots of photos :-)

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