Sunday 29 March 2015

Paddock Wood half-marathon

Jon entered the Paddock Wood half-marathon for the 2nd year hoping to get a PB as he ran last year with an injured leg.  After playing football Friday evening he ran this year - with an injured leg!

Also, the weather couldn't have been more different from 2014, it was wet and VERY windy.

Still, Jon ran the 13 miles in 2 hours and 15 minutes.  A PB - taking around 5 minutes off last year's time.  Well done :-)

And in other sporting news: Chris ran her 50th Park Run on Saturday. Whoop whoop.

Friday 27 March 2015

Cameron's off to Greece

Cam left from school on Friday, 27th March to travel by coach to Heathrow, with a VERY big bag of snacks!   The flight was BA634 which departed at 19:00 arriving at Sparta airport at 00:30!

The itinerary is:-

Saturday - visit to Delphi followed by a trip to Olympia for the night
Sunday - site visit to Olympia and then travel to Tolo
Monday - excursion to Mycenae and Epidavros with an afternoon of leisure.
Tuesday - excursions to Tiryns, Corinth and AcroCorinth then onto Athens for the night
Wednesday - a day of leisure in Athens visiting Agora, Constitution Sqaure, Acropolis and Acropolis Museum.
Thursday - visit to Trireme and HMS Averof before travelling back to Sparta airport for the flight home.  BA 633 to Heathrow leaving at 19:30 and arriving back 21:15 local time.

Looking forward to picking Cam up from school and hearing all about the trip. Apparently he's taken lots of photos :-)

Saturday 21 March 2015

Auntie Pat's 60th birthday meal

Auntie Pat is 60 this year and is going to celebrate with Disney World as it's 60 years since it opened in California.  Today Grandad and Auntie Pat treated the whole family, us, Jo and Diccon, Lol and Emma and Gareth and Naomi, to a gorgeous meal at the Vineyard restaurant inWrotham Heath.  Really lovely food, great service from some waiters with a lovely sense of humour.  Jon " does the steak come with chips?" Waiter "it usually comes with sautee potatoes but there is a chippy nearby I can get you chips, they will want to know if you want salt and vinegar!"   Jon got chips with is steak!

Cameron and Clara had an evening of films with Dominoes pizza, chicken strips and garlic bread.

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary -13 years.  Traditional gift would be lace - or a nice cup of tea and breakfast in bed :-)