Sunday 15 February 2015

Amsterdam - day 2

Another metro journey to Amsterdam this morning. We started the day with a boat trip round the canals. Interesting facts - the thinest building is a metre wide because houses used to be taxed by width, 15,000 bikes are dredged out of the canals each year along with 72 bodies. 1 car a week also ends up in the canals.

After lunch in a Creperie we had pre booked tickets to Anne Frank's house - good job too the queue must have been an hour's wait!

We had a short talk from a lady who told us about Anne's background as a German Jew and how she and her family came to be in hiding in the annexe of her father's office and warehouse. Very moving story and so distressing to learn that she died only a month before she would have been liberated and that of the 8 people incarcerated at Prinsengracht 263 only her father survived.

Quite simply an amazing place, thought provoking story.

Part 2 of our holiday tomorrow - off to Centre Parcs.

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