Saturday 21 February 2015

Junior takeover at Maidstone parkrun's 100th

Maidstone parkrun's 100th run today and all the volunteer roles were taken by juniors. What an amazing job they did. 

Cam did the run briefing and was then timing the finishers, Clara was giving out the finish tokens.

in all there were 293 runners, 39 first timers and 69 PB's, well done everyone. 

Thursday 19 February 2015

Centreparcs - skiing day

Skiing before our lesson, the lesson and skiing after the lesson. Dad, Cam and Clara left for a swim before lunch.  Met back at the apartment for lunch before more skiing, supper and a final,ski before bed.

Lots of aching legs and it felt like we still had the ski boots on when they weren't.  Great fun though and we are definitely getting good at this, we are really enjoying it too. Definitely want to go skiing proper for holiday next year.

Cam and dad were having a go at parallel skiing and stopping, Cam had a go at a few jumps - got some air-time.

Ended the day with live Eastenders to find out that Bobbie killed Lucy.

Last day tomorrow :-(

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Centreparcs - day 3

More skiing, we're definitely getting better, turning and stopping almost when we wanted to!

Cam and Clara had a go at high ropes today. Cam thought it was better than he had imagined it would be, Clara didn't enjoy it but was glad she'd done it.

After high ropes we had a game of badminton which was tiring!

We had a 'takeaway' pizza for tea this evening - after Clara and Mum cycled to reception to find out how to order it and then ordered it from pizza and pasta restaurant we had cycled past! Dad met us with a bag to help carry it home. It tasted good. Nom nom.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Centreparcs - day 2

Got up slow time and went to book in for our ski lesson. We got changed into ski suits and got our skis and boots before meeting our ski instructor at 10:45 with 2 other families and 1 lady whose husband was a skier and wanted her to learn.

Skiing was great fun and we all managed to 'pizza slice' to a stop!

After lunch we had another swim and a game of bowling.

Cam won the first round and then we had a go at bowling 'horse-racing', Clara was in the lead for a while before Dad took the game when it shut down as our hour was up.

 We had Grill meal before bed.

Monday 16 February 2015

Centerparcs - de kempervennen

About 1.5 hours drive from our Amsterdam house to Centreparcs. We arrived and got our bikes, had a ride around to get our bearings and checked into our apartment at just after 3:00pm.  Centreparcs is lovely and the main lake was very picturesque. We have a lovely apartment and after unpacking we went for a swim and tea in the Pizza n Pasta restaurant.  One of the best meals out as a family - we had a great chat!!

Looking forward to our first skiing lesson tomorrow.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Amsterdam - day 2

Another metro journey to Amsterdam this morning. We started the day with a boat trip round the canals. Interesting facts - the thinest building is a metre wide because houses used to be taxed by width, 15,000 bikes are dredged out of the canals each year along with 72 bodies. 1 car a week also ends up in the canals.

After lunch in a Creperie we had pre booked tickets to Anne Frank's house - good job too the queue must have been an hour's wait!

We had a short talk from a lady who told us about Anne's background as a German Jew and how she and her family came to be in hiding in the annexe of her father's office and warehouse. Very moving story and so distressing to learn that she died only a month before she would have been liberated and that of the 8 people incarcerated at Prinsengracht 263 only her father survived.

Quite simply an amazing place, thought provoking story.

Part 2 of our holiday tomorrow - off to Centre Parcs.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Amsterdam - day 1.

A chance to explore the house properly today. Lovely house, 3 floors, 3 bedrooms, open plan living room, diner, kitchen and a garden. Some 'interesting' artwork. 

Had a short walk to the metro to get a train to Amsterdam. 10 minute journey by train and we were at Central Station which is beautiful.

We had a good walk around Amsterdam having a good look at the lovely buildings, the canals and of course the red light district -

Clara was not impressed but the "condomerie" got a double take!

We visited the Nemo Science Centre and had a great time with all the science experiments. Cam liked the dishes that bounced sound across the room, Clara liked the pulleys that meant she could pull herself up on a chairlift.  Very well done and all in a beautiful building like a ship designed by the designer of the Shard in London.

Back to the house to realise that the TV only has Dutch channels and BBC world service.

Friday 13 February 2015

Amsterdam here we come...

Left straight from school today to drive through the tunnel on our way to Amsterdam.  Good drive through France and Belgium, with a quick stop at McDonalds (where else) for tea arriving in Duivendrecht at Wilma's house that we booked through Airbnb. Arrived late, at just before 11:00, had a quick tour from Wilma and then bed.