Saturday 3 January 2015

New Year's challenges

This is the list of things we would like to do during 2015...

Dad:   Go to the top of a mountain, make £1 million, go skiing, save a life, make a stranger happy (ARK), finish house list, dog racing.
Mum: Go skiing, see a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre, walk Tower Bridge, dog racing, IMDb top 25 films, send a message in a bottle, CFR at least twice a month.
Cam:   Do a skydive, get a job, take up learning a new instrument, meet a celebrity, walk over the O2, Segway ride, do a cookery course, watch 20 new films, read a new book, teach the cakes one thing.
Clara:  Read a new book, watch 3 Jennifer Anniston films, meet a celebrity, eat a new food, enter Grandma's cake competition, ride the overnight train, visit grandad's grave, have a games night with the Martins.

Let's see how we get on...

1 comment:

  1. Clara has started to read a new book at school called Wonder - review to follow

    Also, Cam made a chickpea dip which Clara tried as a new food and liked.
