Saturday 24 January 2015


Clara ran her 50th Parkrun today and Cam got a PB, 22:15.  Well done both of you.

Saturday 3 January 2015

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Grandma took us and the Spains to The Rose Theatre, Kingston to see the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with Kate Tydman as the White Witch, she was very good and has a great singing voice.

The lion had some odd movements - more monkey than lion, the White Witch had a strange moment with Maugrim - stroking his bald head!  But worth a watch.

New Year's challenges

This is the list of things we would like to do during 2015...

Dad:   Go to the top of a mountain, make £1 million, go skiing, save a life, make a stranger happy (ARK), finish house list, dog racing.
Mum: Go skiing, see a Shakespeare play at the Globe Theatre, walk Tower Bridge, dog racing, IMDb top 25 films, send a message in a bottle, CFR at least twice a month.
Cam:   Do a skydive, get a job, take up learning a new instrument, meet a celebrity, walk over the O2, Segway ride, do a cookery course, watch 20 new films, read a new book, teach the cakes one thing.
Clara:  Read a new book, watch 3 Jennifer Anniston films, meet a celebrity, eat a new food, enter Grandma's cake competition, ride the overnight train, visit grandad's grave, have a games night with the Martins.

Let's see how we get on...

Thursday 1 January 2015

Happy New Year

Goodbye 2014. We've had a great year: Clara's had another successful dance show with Duets, started a new school at Invicta and joined a football team. Cam's doing really well at school getting good grades and being elected as Student Voice representative, he joined Bearsted football team and passed his piano exam at grade 3.  Pingala continues to go from strength to strength with a good team in place to take new ideas forward in 2015. We've had some great holidays, done some great things and had good times.

We ended 2014 at Cobdown Sports and Social Club with the Martins, the Smiths, the Goldings and the Girlings.

Lots of dancing (the younger members of the families even joined in after a while), a few drinks, some nibbles and a rendition of Auld Lang Syne.

Happy New Year everyone. Welcome 2015 - we've already got some great things planned - Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with Grandma Saturday, Centre Parcs in February...
We're looking forward to another exciting year.