Thursday 31 July 2014

Commonwealth Games 2014

Left home at 8:30 for the 8:40 train to Strood, then St Pancras. Walked to Euston for the 10:30 to Glasgow, arrived at Glasgow Central at 3:00. We took another train to Balloch to find our B & B. comfortable room, dodgy decor! We had dinner at the Cantonese next door which was lovely.

Tuesday morning we had an early breakfast and left for Glasgow and Hampden Park for the athletics. We saw heat of women's 400m, men's decathlon discus, pole vault (down to last 3 - an Englishman, Welshman and an Aussie). The session was due to finish at 1:30 but we didn't leave until nearly 4:00 due to the pole vault overrunning.

Back to the B & B and Stables Steak House for dinner - no steaks available though.

Wednesday we took (another) train to Edinburgh and visited the castle - GREAT views.

Thursday we were going to see Roslyn Chapel but had a lie in and visited the Scottish Parliament instead. Maybe next time. We want to return when the festival is on - we missed it by a day and it looked like it would be really interesting and fun.

Train back from Edinburgh at 3:30 getting home at 9:20. The train journey back didn't seems as long as we had a table and could chat, read, play cards :-)

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