Wednesday 16 November 2016

Happy 17th Birthday Cam

A birthday on a school day - never mind!!

When we all got home Cam unwrapped a sweatshirt and some aftershave from Clara. Got lots of money from family and friends and some driving lessons from Mum and Dad.  His first lesson is on Wednesday.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Panic Room

Jon finally got to use his voucher for Panic Room in Gravesend that he got for his birthday in May!

We left early to reach Gravesend just before our booked session at 10:00.

We were given a briefing and then left in a fairly bare looking room with the instructions to find the information needed to solve the mystery before the police arrived in one hour's time.

If we got stuck then we could ask for clues - which we did - but if it looked like we were struggling we were given some hints too.

We just about made it out in time - really good fun and we would also like to go back to try one of the other rooms.