Saturday 24 September 2016

Tougher Mudder

Jon and Cam left very early (around 6:10) to meet Gary and Archie at Ben's. They travelled to Crawley for their wave start time of 8:30. 

They finished the 10 mile course in around 2:15. 

Cam really didn't like the ice bath and Jon wasn't too keen on the water obstacle. They arrived home filthy but having enjoyed them morning and looking forward to doing it all again next year!!  

Saturday 10 September 2016

Back to school

Cam started 6th form at...Oakwood Park - after much deliberation.  He will study maths, economics, psychology andEnglish literature. 

Clara's back too to start her GCSE subjects. She's chosen RE, classics and history. Her language is German. 

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Birthday meal for Gareth and Lol

As Grandad is having an operation on a growth in bhis mouth we went for an early birthday meal with Gareth and Lol at the Hollywood Bowl. 

 The dogs dinner was a popular choice. 

For which a bib was provided. 


East Malling Beer Festival

We were invited to the East Malling beer festival at the research centre on Saturday afternoon. 

We got a free bus from the station to the research centre with Steve Smith to meet Andy, Karen, Dan and Luke. 

Tried a few ciders some lovely some not so lovely.  It was a lovely relaxing afternoon albeit a bit cold. 

We left earlier than Andy as we had Emily and Dave's wedding to go to in the evening.