Saturday 25 June 2016


The Martins invited us to Ragstock.  This is an annual event in their close whereby the neighbours get together to have music, a hog roast and LOTS to drink. 
It poured with rain so we all say under lots of gazebos put up in the close and ate and drank. It was a good atmosphere and team Spreedom, Jon, Clara and I came second in the sweets and chocolate quiz. 

Nice to catch up with the Hatton-Shaws too. 

Sunday 19 June 2016

Goodbye Dan

The Martins held a BBQ for Dan as he is going off to Fulham from July. 

Great evening and a lovely cake. 

Larkfield tournament

Clara's team played in the larkfield tournament today. 

Holland all stars 1:0
Maidstone.         8:0
Castle colts.       1:0
Anchorians.        1:0

Some really close games; the girls played soooo well

Thursday 16 June 2016

Royal Ascot

We went to Ascot today. A coach from Hempstead to Ascot with some bagels and booze on the coach. When we arrived at Ascot we went to set up trackside.  We quickly decided it was lunchtime and went off in search of cheese on toast and a shelter from the rain. After lunch we watched the Royal party arrive. 

We also saw some horses. 

And some weird and wonderful outfits. 

We lost some money with unsuccessful bets and got a bit wet when it rained again. 

It was a shame it wasn't warmer weather as the asmosphere and spectacle was amazing.