Monday 30 May 2016

Vitality 10k

We got up early this morning and met Grandma at 7:45 in order to drive to Ebbsfleet for the train to St Pancras. From there we got a tube to Green Park in order to register for the Vitality 10k around London. 

We were in the green wave and were the third group to set off. 

We ran past St Paul's, Trafalgar Square, the Bank of England, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, down horse guards parade and finished down the Mall towards Buckingham palace. 

Cam finished in 51:32 and Jon and I did 59:13. 

Saturday 28 May 2016

Happy birthday Jon

Dad's birthday. Pressies after work included a couple of tee shirts and a voucher for Panic Room. 

On Friday we went to ID in West Malling with Gary and Claire, Mary and Steve and      Andy and Karen. 

Lovely meal. Good company. 

Sunday 22 May 2016

Woodland 10k

Jon, Karen and I went to the East Malling Research centre to be bussed to the start point of the woodland 10k run. We set off in lovely weather to run through some beautiful woods. 

Karen finished first and Jon and I did just under the hour to get our medal. 

Duets dance celebration

Clara performed in her 4th dance show, Duets 10th. 

It was a great night with the little ones stealing the show as usual! 

Clara, Bethany, Abby, Megan and all the girls and boys were great and a good night was had by all. Just waiting for the DVD to watch it all again. 

Sunday 15 May 2016

A band with the Martins

We went to Diton Club to meet the Martins and watch a band.  One of the members works with Andy. They were very good but very loud.  Cam, Clara, Dan and Luke left after the 3nd song to play football outside. They can back in during the bad's interval but left again when they started again to go and watch to at the Martin's house. 

The rest of us had a good time singing along. 

Thursday 12 May 2016

A Doll's House

Yesterday evening Jon, Clara and I went to see Grandpa John's new play A doll's House by Ibsen (John was directing).

The actor playing Nora was excellent and carried the rest of the cast!  Thorvald was truly awful. So much so that in the scenes when he was supposed to be displaying a Victorian over bearing and manipulative husband the audience was just laughing!!  Auntie Jo thought she wasn't getting the jokes until Jon explained they weren't jokes!

The actor playing Mrs Linden was ok but had a nervous tick and a stammer which made Clara feel like she was on stage while her family were being held hostage. She didn't like to look at her as she made Clara feel nervous!

The direction however was good and we had a fun night playing theatre critiques while none of us would put ourselves in their place. 

Sunday 8 May 2016

Larkfield 10k (again!)

We did the larkfield 10k again this morning in 26 degree heat. Oh boy it was hard but we finished it - just.  

We completed it in 1:03:09 which was a bit slower than last year's 1:02:58 but the good considering the heat. 

Clara had football in Folkestone and the Sophie's mum took her, Sophie and Kiera to the beach for the afternoon. They had a lovely time.  

Cam went to Daisy's party

Cam was picked up by Gemma's mum at lunch time and dropped at Mia's house. They had pasta and some pre-drinks before going to Daisy's house for the party. 

Mum texted cam to check what time he wanted picking up and got the reply above!  

On the way home we stopped a couple of times for some 'fresh air'. 

However Cam was fine by the next morning and polished off some left over pizza with Gemma. 

Hatty and Matty's wedding

Harriet and Matthew got married on Friday and we were invited to the reception which was on Saturday at the Swan in Weat Malling. 

Clara looked beautiful in the blue dress that Hatry bought her as her unofficial bridesmaid. 

Tuesday 3 May 2016

GCSEs. It's started

Cam took the first paper of his exams this morning: geography 9:00. 

It seemed to go well. Let's hope that bodes well for the rest of the papers. 1 down 25 to go!

Good luck Cam xx