Saturday 27 February 2016

Afternoon tea at the Secret Garden

We finally got to go to the Secret Garden for Grandma's birthday tea. 

Lovely sandwiches, freshly made scones and cakes. All delicious. 

It would also have been Jon's Granny's birthday.  Happy birthday to both grandmas. xxx

Friday 26 February 2016

First week at outset

My first week of a new job as full time EAS adviser at Outset UK based at the Maidstone studios - next office along from Jon!!

There's a lot to learn but it will be really interesting when I get into it. Wednesday was spent at an employment tribunal in Ashford which was fascinating to watch. 

Saturday 20 February 2016

Back home

Landed at 8:40 UK time after a slightly bumpy but quick flight to Hearhrow. 

We were all really tired having got little or no sleep on the plane. Clara and I picked up Alfie from the kennels while dad got milk for a cuppa.  Restful day of napping followed!!

Friday 19 February 2016

Grand central station

After lunch and on our way to the Rockerfeller centre we took a detour to Grand Central Station which truly lives up to its name. 

Last day 😢

Breakfast in our lovely hotel lobby. And some FaceTime with Lol. We need to try and get him Yeezy 350 trainers from the adidas shop. 

Thursday 18 February 2016

Day 3 - Central Park

I'm Breakfast at the hotel this morning.  Yummy sandwich and croissants.

Subway to Central Park. Beautiful sunny day but very cold. Icy lakes which amused Cam and Clara as they kept throwing stones onto the ice to test its thickness. 

Bethesda fountain. Bow bridge. Alice in wonderland statue. 

Lunch at Uncles Jacks which was tasty and then onto the Rockefeller centre and up the Top of the Rock for more stunning views as the sunset. 

We finished off the day with a Broadway show. Matilda was good fun - Miss Trunchball stole it for me. Really funny

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Day 2 - Empire State Building

In the afternoon we used our tickets to go up the Empire State building to see some great views of NYC

Dinner at TGI Fridays which was nice but expensive. 

Day 2 - Ground Zero

We started the day with breakfast at Sugars. Lovely French toast.

Followed by a walk to and over the Brooklyn Bridge which is incredible. 

Then a subway ride to see Ground Zero; very emotional. 

Then onto Wall Street. Which was originally a wooden defencive wall and quick look in Tiffanys.  

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Day 1 - pm

It poured with rain when we got back on the bus. Beautiful views of the city when it stopped though - well worth it.

And dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe

And Mac n Cheese!!

Day 1

Breakfast at Katz Deli this morning. Interesting customer service - all male staff looked like they might shoot you if you got your order wrong!!

We got on the hop on hop off bus tour this morning. 

There are 2 loops; the uptown and downtown. We started with down town and got off at the Staten Island ferry. 

This took us past the Statue of Liberty.  

Monday 15 February 2016

Arrived in New York

We have arrived at JFK airport 8:30 hours after leaving Heathrow. The flight was great mainly due to BAs inflight entertainment. Loads of films and games to watch and play - Martian, Steve Jobs, and many more. Dad also had no seat in front of him so had plenty of leg room. 
When arriving in New York it was colder than forecast and has been snowing ever since. 

We got a yellow cab to the hotel which is really newly decorated and really nice. We went for a walk and some lovely Chilean to do a bit of shopping. 

A nice drink in the hotel bar before bed. 

Sunday 14 February 2016

Pre New York

We took Alfie for his 'holiday' before setting off for the Sheraton Skyline hotel near Heathrow airport. Lovely hotel. Nice pool and Table tennis.

Trippy corridors and carpets tho!!

Early to bed as we have to be up early for our New York holiday. 

Saturday 13 February 2016

Last day at MidKent College

Friday 12th February was my last day of working at MKC after roughly 15 years of service. A morning of chocolate, biscuits and not a lot of work with 1X. Lex and Devon bought me some flowers 😀Followed by a presentation of leaving gifts by Sally and the department: lovely vase and candle stick from Kat, Jo, Sally and Barrie. A bottle of Moët and some flowers from everyone else. After a quick Costa I left forever!!!

Kat, Jo, Sally and I met for a lovely meal at the Hengist at 7:00 and we didn't leave til 3 courses and lots of fizz later at about 10:30. 

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Alfie training

Alfie did really well at obedience training tonight. He spent the whole time in the main hall and was awarded Reserve most improved puppy!!

Tuesday 9 February 2016

New York

The Sprees are off to New York for half term. Whoop whoop. 

Dollars organised. Itinerary to finalise. 

Sunday 7 February 2016

Ashford 10k

Took part in the Ashford 10k this morning. Really lovely run through the countryside. 

Simon was marshalling. 

Massive medal  with Jaffa cakes and chocolate milk at the end!!