Saturday 30 January 2016


After parkrun (new PB) and dropping off Alfie to the kennels we headed for Brighton to meet auntie pat, grandad and lol for an overnight stay and to see Dynamo. Emma, Vicky and their mum joined us after Emma finished work.   

Brighton is very interesting. 

Nice meal at the Meat Liquor - huge burgers!!  Then to see Dynamo at the Brighton Centre. 

Wow. He is incredible. 

Dave Gorman

We went to see Dave Gorman at the Central theatre in Chatham.
Started with a warm up comedian called Nick Doody who was really funny. After the interval Dave came on and have a different performance using PowerPoint!  Very funny and clever. 

I tried to take a Selfie but apparently this isn't cool!!  Interestingly some of Dave's routine was about the proliferation of photo taking and selfies!!!

New sofa

Our old sofa has finally bitten the dust and been replaced with a Sofaworks sofa. Brilliant customer service all round and a comfy sofa. 

With a Neil the Sofawork's Sloth thrown in!!

Friday 29 January 2016

Jon's boxing training

Jon is upping his training in preparation for his white collar fight in April. He was doing pad work with Jim, who swerved the wrong way and got a poke in the eye!

1 visit to the opticians was followed by a trip to the doctor. He was then referred to the hospital for surgery! Medway wasn't able to deal with it and sent him to St Thomas's where he underwent lazer surgery.  Poor Jim.

Friday 15 January 2016

Walking with Alfie

The weather has finally started to feel chilly for the first time this winter. Going for a walk with Alfie on such a bright, fresh and sunny day was lovely. 

Ultra Sound

Had an ultra sound in my shoulder to try and find out what's going on with it. On 4th January I drive to Westerham for a 9:30 appointment. 30 minutes there for a 5 minute scan and 30 minutes home!!

I get the results in 5-7 days. 


The doctor's surgery phones today to ask me to go in to discuss my ultrasound result. Apparently I have a torn tendon in my shoulder. 

Parent's evening

We went to Clara's school to speak to her teachers about how she is getting on. 

Generally her teachers felt that Clara is doing really well and gaining in confidence in her learning. Well done Clara; we're really proud of you. 

Friday 8 January 2016

Happy New Year

We ended 2015 at Cobdown again.
With the Martins, the Smiths and the Girlings; the Goldings went to Butlins for New Year so didn't join us. 

Clara went to Abby's at 4:00 to get ready and met us there.
After a little confusion over the tickets that we bought for the Martins, we all arrived and quickly enjoyed the disco.  Cam and Dan were allowed a few beers and Cam quickly found how well they went down and how quickly he could get tipsy. After downing two in abut half hour we decided that was enough!  Everyone agreed that drunk Cam was really good fun - and very loving 😂

We left around 1:30 having had a great evening.