Saturday 31 October 2015


Halloween parkrun. 

Followed by trick or treating
and Nick and Lisa's annual party.



While Clara went to Keira's for a sleepover, mum, dad and Cam went to see the new James Bond film 'Spectre'. It was awesome. Daniel Craig was well worth the £39 million he will earn; £25.6 million for acting and the rest for endorsements and the like. Wow. 

Friday 30 October 2015

Half term

Clara has an extra week for half term. She had a day at the sea side with dad, grand dad and Alfie. It was REALLY cold. Then she had a day shopping with grandma. 

The 2nd week saw Cam n mum joining Clara at home with Alfie. Lots of walks as the weather was nice. Although the river was really high and we got very wet feet on one occasion and Alfie had a paddle. 

Cam had lots of revision to do as he has his mock GCSEs when he goes back to school. 

Autumn walk

Lovely autumn walk with Alfie

Thursday 29 October 2015

Half term

Clara has an extra week for half term. She had a day at the sea side with dad, grand dad and Alfie. It was REALLY cold. Then she had a day shopping with grandma. 

The 2nd week saw Cam n mum joining Clara at home with Alfie. Lots of walks as the weather was nice. Although the river was really high and we got very wet feet on one occasion and Alfie had a paddle. 

Cam had lots of revision to do as he has his mock GCSEs when he goes back to school. 

Saturday 17 October 2015


We've got a dog!!!

We collected Ralf from Clara's friend Kiera today. He didn't get on with their other dog, Digby, and was going to have to go to a rescue centre so we offered to take him.

He is a dachshund x Labrador cross and he's as cute as. 

We don't like the name Ralf so, as they called him Ralfie for short we are going to call him Alfie.

Monday 12 October 2015

Michael McIntrye

Lovely evening with the Martins at the O2 to see Michael McIntyre. 

Karen booked the tickets for us and we met at the O2 at about 4:30. Had an early tea before going into O2 priority lounge for a drink until 6:30 and time to find our seats. Much laughter later we left, and due to Jon's clever choice of a parking space, managed to be out of the car park and home by about 11:30.