Friday 24 April 2015

Clara's school trip to Chessington

Clara's year group had a trip to Chessington world of adventures today. The trip was intended as an IT trip to see how the park used IT to help run the rides. The girls had a 30 min talk about this but Clara can't remember what she was told!!!  She did go upside down though on Rameses Revenge 😃

Cameron's a prefect

Cameron applied to be a senior and middle school prefect and was chosen to be a senior school prefect. This means he is a part of a team of 20 boys that have to help maintain standards within the school, represent the school at events, help make new school policies including the new build.  Oh and he gets a special tie but isn't sure about doughnuts at meetings!!

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Clara's doing well at school

Nice letter received today about Clara's performance at school. Well done for trying so hard and doing so well.

Cameron Spree, prefect

Cam has been chosen to be Deputy Senior Middle School prefect, well done Cam.

Some great comments on your interview.

Friday 10 April 2015

Jon meets Ricky Hatton

Jon met Ricky Hatton at an Evening with Ricky Hatton event for Pauls (boxing club) birthday.

Ricky's very short but very interesting to listen to.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Happy Easter

A relaxing day Friday after picking Cam up very late on Thursday evenings from his trip, he and Clara got in a solid 12 hours catch-up and didn't get up until the afternoon!

Saturday started with a Park Run.

Sunday was an afternoon at the Girlings followed by a birthday tea for James at PF. This was also to say goodbye to Joseph, Lucy and Max who are off to Ibiza for a year as Joseph is going to work as a booker there.

Monday saw a walk at Shorne Woods country park with the Martins followed by Chinese for tea. :-)

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Clara to Leeds castle

Clara went to Grandmas for the day and they went with grandma's friend Alison and her granddaughter, and Clara's friend Amy to Leeds castle. They enjoyed a lovely sunny day out followed by tea at Alison's.