Saturday 29 November 2014

Happy birthday Clara

Clara's 12th birthday. She got an iPad mini for blogging, vlogging and watching Zoella videos on Youtube and Eastenders on catchup.

She went swimming with Sophie, Maddison, Courtney, Grace and Kiera then they all came back for a birthday meal, videos and chatting.

VERY late night - exhausting but nice.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Jon Spree, CFR

Dad passed his CFR assessments today. Very nerve wracking and stressful but he was up to the job.

Mum and Clara went to see England ladies lose in a friendly to Germany, they were outclassed unfortunately and lost 3-0.  It was cold but fun - Clara's first ever professional football match at Wembley no less!

England ladies at Wembley

Mum and Clara went with Larkfield Ladies to Wembley to watch England ladies play their first ever game at Wembley. We were part of a record 55,000 strong crowd watching them play Germany.

Nice day out - shame about the score - 3 - 0 to Germany.

Saturday 15 November 2014

Cameron has been voted as the Student Voice Representative or his year and house. He applied 'to help make the school better' ... Oh and 'because they have doughnuts at the meetings.'

Friday 14 November 2014

Happy birthday Cameron.

Happy birthday Cam - 15 today.

Lovely day, pressies after school, visit from Grandma and Grandpa John, Grandad, Lol and Emma.

Sleepover next weekend.

Saturday 1 November 2014


Nick and Lisa's Halloween party 2014 has a Zombie theme.

CFR training

1st day of CFR training - salbutemol training complete, assessment passed by lunch. Well done!