Sunday 28 September 2014

Heart of Kent Hospice Rainbow Run.

We arrived at Mote Park at 9.30ish and met Megan and her friend Beth who were also running. We also saw Caroline and Katie Ireland and many people from Parkrun - Donna and Tim, Brian (who gave Cam and Clara their entries), Tracey.

We registered and had a warm up. Then at 10.00 we were set off in groups of 50, we were in the 3rd group to set off. Cam quickly got bored with our slow pace and went off by himself. We got through the Green Zone pretty clear. At the red zone Clara got a face full. We went through blue zone ok and finally purple zone.

Cam finished 9th overall. The rest of us finished in about 35 mins.


Sunday 21 September 2014

Larkfield Ladies under 13s

First match of the season. They girls did reall well and improved so much in the second half. They didn't win but Clara played really well and shows great promise.

Open London

We spent the day in London with Grandad, Auntie Pat, Lol and Emma. We wanted to visit some London buildings. We arrived and joined the queue for Lloyd's of London. It was an amazing building, a real mixture of old and new.   Time for lunch - Bodeans by Tower Hill. After eating copious amounts of food we walked back to The Bank of England but it was a 2 hour queue so we left Grandad and the others to get a train home via the Tower of London to see the poppies planted to commemorate the 888,246 british soldiers that died in WW1. Incredible.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Cam's first tournament with Bearsted

Bearsted entered the Aylesford tournament and won! Well played Cam.

After the tournament we all went to Sara and James' for a sports afternoon.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Clara started at Invicta

Clara's first day at Invicta Grammar School. She was up super early and looked soooo smart in her new uniform. She had packed her bag the night before and ran off up the road to meet Sophie, Ceri and Maddison to catch the bus to school. It went well and she called in at her old primary school on the way home to tell Mrs Bone about her day. She had lots of new lessons, some homework and met some really nice new friends.