Monday 25 August 2014


Bank holiday Monday and Clara's been longing to visit Brighton; Dad suggested an overnight stay.

We went down Sunday, had a walk along the pier and dinner in Buddies café - the biggest portions of food you have ever seen.

Monday was really wet, it rained ALL day. We had a wander round the lanes and visited Choccywoccydoodah.  Some pretty amazing cakes there.

Sunday 24 August 2014

Boxley Church Fete

Boxley church fete was held at Parsonage Farm. There were various stalls, tea and cakes for sale, and games to play - splat the rat; so addictive, so difficult.

Some country dancers gave a demonstration and then asked for volunteers to learn some dances. Nice moves from Dad and Grandma.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Mallorca 2014

Holiday with the Martins, Goldings and the Smiths.  All met at Gatwick and flew Norwegian airlines to arrive in Mallorca at 9ish. Nice coach journey to the resort Cales de Mallorca.
Cam dancing with a stranger!

Cool kids

He's going down

Beautiful girls

Ready to go home :-(

How much food?

Friday 1 August 2014

Waxing the cat!

Clara was waxing Dad's back in preparation for tomorrow's holiday to Majorca. Mum was holding a waxing strip and Amber walked past - oops, her tail brushed the wax strip and it got stuck.  Much coaxing of Amber from under a tree and much cutting off of the strip from her tail and she is now quiet a bit less hairy than she was before.