Wednesday 1 January 2014

Some history about us

We are mum, Chris, dad, Jon, Cameron - born 14:11:99 and Clara - born 29:11:02  Also, Amber and Dillon.

We lived first in Madginford - where Cameron was born. Then in Maidstone, Sutton Road, where we lived with Grandad Russell, Whisky and where Clara was born.

We now live in Aylesford: we moved here in October 2004.

Jon runs his own, very successful, web agency, Cam is in year 9 at Oakwood Park Grammar School; having achieved a 412 on his 11plus. Clara is currently at Aylesford Primary School in year 6. She is going to secondary school from September and would like to go to Invicta grammar school. Clara achieved 359 in her 11 plus - 1 point off the pass mark! She is appealing in order to be able to go to the grammar school. If this isn't successful she will go to the Malling School.
Mum works at Midkent College (:-() teaching public services.